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Our People

We are a team of weather experts who love to convey useful insights to customers – and help them to make better informed business decisions.

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Meet some of our key people:

Qualifications: BSc (Hons)

Animal: Badger (Nocturnal, Curious, Risk Unaverse)

Experience: Steve graduated with a degree in Physical Geography from Sheffield University in the early 90’s.  He researched climate change during historic times by studying weather diaries.

Role & Responsibilities: Steve founded the business in his bedroom 30 years ago and now focuses on writing, R&D and innovation.

Hobbies & Interests: When not in the office (which is rare (except before 09AM)), Steve forages, rides motorbikes and flies gliders.

Qualifications: BSc (Hons), PhD, CertHE

Animal: Elephant (Loyal, Wise, Attentive)

Experience: Richard studied Geography at the University of Derby and graduated in 1994, before completing a doctorate in 2005 on British Snowfalls 1861-1999. Richard joined WeatherNet in 1997.

Role & Responsibilities: Richard issues weather warnings and forecasts for film & TV. He also heads up legal services and has presided over >400 cases.

Hobbies & Interests: Richard enjoys travelling (visited 53 different countries so far), horology, listening to music and entering surveys & competitions. He is an avid Manchester City fan.

Qualifications: BSc (Hons)

Animal: Penguin (Calm, Friendly, Playful)

Experience: Laura graduated with a degree in Meteorology from Reading University in 2009. She joined WeatherNet as a summer intern amid studying, but fell in love with the business ethos and never left. She’s been tornado chasing in America four times.

Role & Responsibilities: The go-to for clients with any questions or needs, Laura makes sure everyone is happy!

Hobbies & Interests: With two young children, spare time is a luxury spent reading, sleeping, or getting fresh air in the countryside.

Qualifications: BSc (Hons), MSc

Animal: Turtle (Enthusiastic, Versatile, Cheerful)

Experience: Emma joined WeatherNet in December 2013 after graduating with a degree in Geography and a Masters degree in Applied Meteorology and Climatology from the University of Birmingham.

Role & Responsibilities: Emma runs construction services as well as day to day operations in the office.

Hobbies & Interests: Emma enjoys Latin, Ballroom & Tap dancing, baking and travelling.

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