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Construction Services

Planning, Site Forecasts, NEC & JCT for Extension Of Time (EOT), Wind Rose & ADMS Data

Plan construction projects with confidence and tender competitively with our bespoke reports that explain what weather to expect over the duration of a project.

  • Comprehensive local monthly averages, return periods and extremes
  • Authoritative, long series data from hundreds of Met Office (UKMO) & independent weather stations nationwide
  • Hours and days lost per month to various working thresholds of weather during previous years is described and return periods calculated
  • Intuitive, clear and concise reports
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Detailed, site specific forecasts help you to avoid spoilage, operate safely, schedule tasks and best plan outdoor works.

  • Quantitative hourly predictions of all weather likely to hinder safe progress on site
  • Up to 16 days ahead, refreshed 4x every day
  • Tactical site view
  • Strategic UK view
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Our reports document weather experienced on site, identify periods of downtime, and by comparing it with long term benchmarks, evidence and quantify claims for extension of time (EOT).

  • Reports available from comprehensive nationwide network of Met Office (UKMO) & independent stations
  • JCT, NEC and custom formats
  • Hourly downtime reports configurable to the working day and week
  • Valid EOT claims flagged and highlighted, so none are missed 
  • Delivered promptly and before the opportunity to claim EOT expires
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WeatherNet ‘OverSite’ is our comprehensive construction subscription that delivers ‘FarSite’, ‘ForeSite’ & ‘HindSite’ to all your UK sites for a fixed annual fee; consolidating your weather spend, streamlining process, saving you time and money.

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Wind Rose & Dry Days Reports 

We can help you to assess the potential impacts of noise or dust pollution from activities like quarrying, by determining dry days, calm days, and typical seasonal hourly frequencies of wind speed and direction.

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We can supply hourly meteorological data (air temperature (°C), mean wind speed (m/s), mean wind direction (deg true), hourly rainfall (mm), total cloud amount (8ths), relative humidity (%)), from ~65,000 data points UK-wide ready for use in ADMS dispersion modelling software.

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Weather Evidence

To verify damage to buildings or materials and attributed to severe weather, please refer to our insurance validation section.

To evidence claims of weather-related business interruption, personal injury or liability on site, please refer to our legal services.

We use WeatherNet reports for exceptionally adverse weather events under JCT forms of contracts. Our experience is the information is accurate and assists us in securing our entitlement under the contract.

Jason Mount
Rated 5 stars on Google

Well what can I say. Emma Henley and WeatherNet have been outstanding by their support and supply of data to assist in the presentation of a complex Construction Related Claim. The level of detail and very prompt actions were impeccable to state the least. A very rare attribute in these challenging times.

Jon Stiff
Rated 5 stars on Google